Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Computer Man Song

This is another awesome guest post by Kay, my favorite coworker.  It's a song she wrote for you to sing out loud (in your server room, of course).  It's to the tune of your favorite song.


Oh, what a day this is gonna be

My computer is broken and

I've a project due at three

Who can I turn to, What can

I dooooo...

Computer Man is on his way!

He never pauses, he never delays

He's always there to save the day!!!

Computer Man, Hooray!

He is there in a wink

In a moment he says this is

What I think.

You just have a virus;

I'll just give it a shot!

Now it's better,

Right on the dot.

Computer man has saved the day,

My report is done and on its way!

I'll be rewarded for my work,

Should I share with Computer Man?

No, I'm a jerk.